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Welcome To The ATKRON95 Web Site

ATKRON95 Lizard 520

Welcome to Spike’s ATKRON95 website. The premier tribute website dedicated to the men and women “Green Lizards” of the United States Navy’s World Famous 95th All Weather Attack Squadron. I created this site for my ATKRON 95 Green Lizard bubbas.

I don’t know about your experience as a Lizard, but for me, it’s been an honor to of been a part of history in this great squadron and to have worked with some great sailors in my time as a Green Lizard. I hope you boys & girls can step back in time, re-visit your youth, and enjoy this site.

I wished we has some old friends from the Torpedo Twenty days. I’m sure a lot of us SkyKnights and Green Lizards would love to pick their brains and talk about squadron life and the aircraft back then. Those young men paved the way for us.

VA-95 Heritage

VA 95 has a fantastic lineage. Starting in World War II as Torpedo Squadron Twenty flying the Grumman TBM-1 Avenger, through the Douglas Skyraider & McDonnell Douglas Skyhawk years to our last evolution as the VA-95 Green Lizards flying the Grumman A-6E/KA-6D Intruder. We’ve flown at least 6 major aircraft types and several variants of these airframes in our squadron’s incredible history.

From our first combat action involving strikes against shore installations on Chichi Jima in the Bonin Islands, the Mayaguez incident, Ernest Will missions, Operation Southern Watch & Operation Praying Mantis to our last action in the Persian Gulf. Wherever and whenever the action has been, the Vultures, Skyknights, and Green Lizards have always been there to answer when this great Republic has called upon us.

SpikesDesigns - VA-95 & USN Memorabilia

How To Contact Fellow Lizards

If you’re looking for an old buddy or daily interaction with former VA-95 people, join either of our Facebook groups at VA-95, or VA-95. Yes.., there are two groups both named VA-95.

Another great resource to meet up with old friends and shipmates are the 3 Aircraft Association pages. VA-95 flew all three of these birds.  Since many of us served in more than one squadron, these sites can give you a much broader aircraft type community reach beyond a squadron page to find and catch up with our amigos.

A-1 Skyraider Association

A-1 Skyraider Association

A-4 Skyhawk Association

A-4 Skyhawk Association

A-6 Intruder Association

A-6 Intruder Association

Outside of Facebook, you can always contact me on my Contact Spike page. There you can sign up for the Green Lizard News newsletter emailed out monthly.

ATKRON95 Content

You may of noticed, but we have a lot of A-6 Intruder content here and that’s only because we are heavy and fat with Intruder bubbas.

If you’re a Lizard brother from our Scooter and Spad communities, I’d love to work with you to help provided some great content. I’m always on the lookout for any ATKRON 95 content. If you wish to contribute any content to this site, please send me your sea stories, news clippings, or photographs to

atkron95 business card

Reciprocal Link Policy

If you’d like to add my Green Lizard site to your website, I request that you use the following information in our link.

  • Our URL:
  • Site Title:
  • Site Meta Description: ATKRON 95 – VA-95 Green Lizards, All Weather Medium Attack Squadron, United States Navy.

If you wish for me to link to your site, please request sending an email to: Spike. Provide your URL, site title, and site description. I will get back to you with confirmation of your link. Thank you